Supplemental Warning Lights

As usual, emergency vehicles can have a number of supplemental and non-mandatory lighting devices, which help to enhance their visibility and therefore increase the safety of their occupants. This section includes directional LED lights, vehicle headlight mount, directional warning lights and the range of LED signs.

Directional LED lights

Nanoled Bicolor

Bicolor ultra-compact lights with 12 LEDs, independent control and R65 APPROVED in CL1 and CL2

Nanoled Round

Ultra compact LED round lights with hight brightness and intermittency included New: Nanoled Round Surface

NanoLED Series

Ultra compact LED lights, with wide range of versions and supports available...................... New: vertical mount

Microled Advance Series

Incorporates Advance LED technology in an head light of compacted dimensions with multiple applications

Serie LD116 Advance

The most versatile of our head lights that include LED Advance, flashing and cruise light

QuadraFlare Advance

Designed for large emergency vehicles, including the LED Advance technology

Directional warning lights

SignalMaster Solaris

Incorporates LED Solaris technology in an ultra-thin profile designed to signal effectively

LEDS signs


Foldable or fixed programmable LED sign for road marking with control head

FSX sunvisor sign

Compact LED sign with blue emergency lights installed on parasol

LSG900 Series

Large dimensions LED sign, rear installation, vertical mounting, for road sign with text messages, and control head