Federal Signal Vama at Napfm 2015

Federal Signal Vama is pleased to announce that will participate again at the 42th edition of NAPFM Fair during 9th and 10th of June, 2015, at the International Center Telford, in London (United Kingdom).

Federal Signal Vama is pleased to announce that will participate again at the 42th edition of NAPFM Fair during 9th and 10th of June, 2015, at the International Center Telford, in London (United Kingdom).
NAPFM is an important event for people related with public & emergency sector. They will be able to see one of the largest emergency vehicles fleets exhibiting in whole Europe. The exhibition focuses on transport for Ambulance, Fire & Rescue and Police, but as well, it brings people related with other emergency services.


Source: Author

Its consistently efforts to make this yearly event exclusively for people related to this sector and its worldwide reputation makes NAPFM a special occasion to meet specialists and experts, with more than 140 exhibitors and +200 emergency vehicles equipped with last technologies and services.
Federal Signal Vama is again participating to show the latest emergency products, tendencies and technologies.
We look forward to welcome you there.