Frequent Asked Questions

Here you can find the answers to the most frequent asked enquires about where to find the desired information on the website, product installation doubts or the functioning of a product. If additional assistance is needed, please, contact our Technical contact or Commercial contact.

[GENERAL] Where can I find the address of Federal Signal Vama?

Click here to view the address of the company. At the bottom you may also view a map showing how to get to our offices.

[GENERAL] How can I find information on a product, features, available parts, their certificates of approval?

You may view the different products in the products section. Access the product information sheet that interests you. At the bottom of the page, you will see a drop-down box with different titles. By clicking on:

- ‘Product Bulletin’, a PDF will appear with that document. There you will find commercial information on the product: technical data, weight, dimensions, added values, etc.

- ‘Manuals’, a list of PDFs will appear with the different product manuals. The manual shows the spare parts available for that product.

- ‘Approvals’, a list of PDFs will appear with the different product approvals. If an approval does not appear on the list, it means that the product either does not have an approval or we have not yet obtained it.

[GENERAL] How can I determine whether a product is Class 1 or Class 2?

Class 1 means night function, class 2 means a product has day/night function. Within each product sheet you will find a PDF file with the title ‘Approval R65’. On it you can see whether the product is Class 1 or Class 2.

[GENERAL] Where is the nearest point of sale in my area?

You can find one in the distributors section (for the European area) or in the commercial network (Spain).

[TECHNICAL] How to return a product for repair or refund?

To send an item of equipment to Federal Signal Vama for repair or refund you must submit the RMA documentation that you can find either on each product sheet or by clicking here.

Before sending it to the following addresses, the RMA documentation must be duly completed:

- For repairs of clients in Spain [domestic], submit RMA documentation to the attention of the Service Centre. E-mail:

- For repairs of clients outside Spain [international], submit RMA documentation to the attention of the Service Centre. Email:

- In case of a Return, submit RMA documentation to the appropriate CSR.

[GENERAL] How can I get a password to access the website?

To request access please send an email to

Necessary data: Name, last name, e-mail, company and address.

The password changes every 90 days and each user may freely change/renew it.

[TECHNICAL] I bought a product and it does not work properly...

After verifying that the device is properly installed according to the installation manual, if it does not work as it should, please contact our Authorised Service centre. To make an enquiry, click here.

[GENARAL] Where can I find 7000/8000/9000 form lenses?

Each form is inside his product. In the case of 7000/8000/9000, you will find it in the section of Phoenix(you need to have customer access)

[TECHNICAL] I have a product or vehicle and I need a specific connection diagram

If not on the list contained in the Manuals (you need to have customer access), request the information using the technical contact form.

[TECHNICAL] Which intelligent controller (control head) is the correct one for a certain lightbar?

In the intelligent controllers section you can see the different control heads and the functions performed by each of them. (you need to have customer access). For the Traffic Storm series, the control head must be type BCT3000. Click here to check our available control heads.

For the remaining Lightbars, you can use a BCT500CB or the different versions of BCT2000 .

[TECHNICAL] Where can I find the serial number on a lightbar?

Each lightbar has an identifying label with its reference number and serial number; the location varies by model. To determine the exact location of each label on the lightbar, go to the product sheet of the lightbar. In the lower part of the page you will find a tab called "Generals". Click there and look for a document called ‘ (name of the lightbar) Label’. It will be indicated where to locate the serial number.

[TECHNICAL] After buying a new lightbar, can options be added to the settings?

Before buying, the desired lightbar can be preset, once the lightbar has been manufactured it can not be modified in the field. Contact the CSR or the commercial department to see whether the desired settings are available.

[TECHNICAL] Lightbar: How do I control an analogue lightbar with a CANBUS control head or vice versa?

  • To control a CANBUS lightbar with an analogic system, you need to add the converter 2006036.
  • To control an ANALOGIC lightbar with CANBUS system, you need to add the converter 8235978 or 8235988.
Consult with the CSR or with the commercial department the specific versions according to the lightbar.

[TECHNICAL] Lightbars: I cannot get the lightbar to work

Check the following:

- The power supply and fuses in the installation 12/24 V.

- If the lightbar is Can Bus, check the Can Bus signals of the CB communication cables.

- Perform a reset by disconnecting the power supply, waiting 30 seconds and reconnecting it.

If it’s still not working, contact an Authorized Service Centre. Check list of Authorised Service Centres.

[TECHNICAL] Lightbars: I cannot get one side of the lightbar to work

This is because there is a communication failure inside the lightbar, please contact the Technical Service Centre in your area. To access the list click here.

[TECHNICAL] Lightbar: Why won’t my Valor lightbar work?

The Valor lightbar is connected via an interface and a specific cable supplied with the lightbar. When performing the installation the installer did not connect the white cable of the interface, which is connected to the CN1 position 6 of the Can Bus lightbar control box. In the serial interface box all the switches must be in the OFF position. To view the documentation and diagrams available for this product, click here. (you need to have customer access).

[TECHNICAL] Intelligent Controller: Why doesn’t the control head work when pressing the keys?

If the control head is illuminated, but does not work when pressing a key or makes no sound and the key pressed does not light up from behind, contact our technical service.

[TECHNICAL] Why won’t the rear door lock of the prisoner kit work?

The back door lock system of our prisoner kits is controlled by a security kit control box: Check the power supplies and then verify that the control box in the 8 V minifit connector, in line No. 4, makes positive contact. To view the diagrams in the document 91471608, click here. (you need to have customer access).

[TECHNICAL] Why does the vehicle battery discharge with the equipment turned off?

Our equipment is designed so that when turned off they do not consume any power, but there are cases in which the emitter can accidentally be left on; the flashlight chargers, beacons, etc. are connected directly to the battery.

[TECHNICAL] Sirens: Why doesn’t the siren sound?

- First check the power supply and the connection of the siren installation, if the siren tones can be heard inside the amplifier, the fault may be the open speaker or poor contact at the speaker connections.

- Secondly, check the ohmic resistance, approx. 4.4 Ohm, in the speaker terminals.

If the problem persists, contact our service department.

[TECHNICAL] How do I adapt the SCS1000D siren to the installation of an SCS1000?

If the motorcycle is equipped with an SCS1000 and cannot be repaired, it must be replaced with the new SCS1000D using an adaptation kit, ref. 82441605. Click here to access the document  91471857KIT. (you need to have customer access).