Valdepeñas Local Police introduces 2 new Federal Signal Vama equipped police vehicles.

Federal Signal Vama is pleased to inform you that Valdepeñas's Local Police has renewed 2 of its vehicles by new vehicles equipped by our company's emergency warning products.
Fuente: El día digital

Source: El día digital

Federal Signal Vama is pleased to inform you that Valdepeñas’s Local Police has renewed 2 of its vehicles by new vehicles equipped by our company’s emergency warning products. Federal Signal Vama has participated integrating to the vehicles a Valor lightbar and an AS-320 siren, among other police devices.

The city of Valdepeñas which has one of the lowest crime rate of Castilla La Mancha´s region, will enjoy an improvement of their police fleet. The city already has nine vehicles, six motorbikes, and 2 quads. Furthermore, they count on very good communications devices.

To acquire theses 2 vehicles, the city of Valdepeñas has invested 92.000€ with a renting of 3 years duration.